Number 9 Personality

Personality number 9

The 9 is the least judgmental of all numbers, the most tolerant and the most conscious, the most humanitarian offering generous sympathy and compassion to everyone.
Number 9 is the number of Universal love, eternity, faith, karma, spiritual awakening,humanity,discretion, brilliance, problem-solving, inner-wisdom, self-love, freedom, popularity, high ideals, tolerance,ability to understand inborn talents, are visioners. take care do not lose the balance between spiritual and physical, do not sacrifice yourself too much for other people. you are intensely passionate but you need to control their wild impulses.
Material security is not usually important to the 9 energy, other than to survive without financial stress or hardship. Love, trust, friendship and loyalty are by far more important. you are a leader but you use not the strong, you use feelings, sweetness, the energy of your heart. talent to organize, management, inspiration, idee.The 9 is the least judgmental of all numbers, the most tolerant and the most conscious, the most humanitarian offering generous sympathy and compassion to everyone.

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