3 Crystals to transform yourself

The first crystal is Selenite: pure and white.
Selenite is named after the Greek goddess Selene: the goddess of the moon and that show the connection to you to moon. Moon is symbol of all that in hidden and unknown but all that can influence our life too from nature to body to mind and soul.
Selenite protect you from any form of psychic attack and help cleanse your mind of all this negativity, but have the ability to stabilize your emotions and give you mental clarity. She helps in the spiritual and esoteric way to discover yourself ins depth and your abilities.
The second crystal is Amethyst, and it can help you open your eyes. You will develop the moon connection, but the moon has always a hidden face. You will appreciate the help of this stone because it will develop the ability to think more clearly and not be clouded with emotions and sensations.  Amethyst will guide you to use your intellect power and help you to apply it to any situation you might face. That is a very important help in the magic of moon and in the healing with moon powers you will learn to heal with your will and intellect but not absorbing emotions from the people you are healing.
The third stone is Galaxite, also called spinel stone. This is considered a transformation stone, and it will assist in your spiritual transformation to the higher level of frequency of energies vibrations. That means this stone at first will clean and balance your chakras and aura, and then help you to be safe and able to control yourself in astral projection and astral travel. It is the stone of harmony and so the fears and doubts away, removing in yourself and in your life all that is preventing you from making a change or awake.

How to use those crystals?

I personally believe that stones and crystals are Children of the Earth and prefer to surround myself with pure, unprocessed crystals. The best place would be right on a pot, next to a plant, placed on the ground, where it can absorb both sunlight and moonlight. Sometimes you can also light a fumigation of incense grains or palo santo and purify the crystals. It is important that, when it doesn’t rain, at least twice a month you wash them with cold running water, focusing on two things: the first is that the crystal is releasing all the negativity absorbed by you and from the surrounding environment, and the second is to thank the crystal for the qualities and protection it transmits to you. Don’t do it automatically, in magic anything you don’t feel really has no effect. It would be useless and senseless, you must feel in your hands, in your heart, your connection, your bond, your gratitude, the energy that unites you.

You can also place the crystal near the bed, or in any room of the house, or even use it as a pendant to wear around the neck.

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